Bylaw 310 - Executive Committee Officers
Section 1 (Chair)
The Chair of the Executive Committee will have the following duties, responsibilities, and restrictions:
A. Maintain and direct the operation of the party headquarters.
B. At the discretion of the Chair, conduct business between meetings using a methodology to be defined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
C. Create committees and appoint individuals as may be necessary.
1. The Executive Committee Chair shall appoint, nominate for hiring, or direct that a volunteer/employee/contractor search be conducted for individuals to be Directors of Divisions, whose titles, descriptions, and duties will be included within the Standard Operating Procedures.
2. The Executive Committee Chair may create a new Division with consent of the Executive Committee, after presenting a vision and demonstrating that the new structure is necessary.
3. The Executive Committee Chair may, with consent of the Executive Committee, eliminate a Division if it proves to be unnecessary.
D. Establish the date, time, location, and agenda of all Executive Committee meetings. The agenda must be distributed to the members of the Executive Committee and Divisional leadership at least seven days prior to the meeting date.
E. Issue directives clarifying the operations or policies affecting general party operations or procedures, including guidelines for divisions and committees under the supervision of the Executive Committee.
1. Such directives may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the Executive or Central Committee.
2. If a directive is acted upon (amended or repealed) by both the Executive and Central Committees, the actions of the Central Committee shall override any taken by the Executive Committee.
3. Any directive amended by the Executive or Central Committees may not be altered by the issuing officer alone for the duration of their current term of office.
4. Unless stated otherwise within a directive, or amended or repealed by further directive(s) or Committee action, the effects of directives shall be perpetual and will be included in the Standard Operating Procedures.
F. Perform all other duties prescribed by statute or usually exercised by the Chair and not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Party.
G. The Chair of the LPO State Executive Committee will not be an officer of the LPO State Central Committee. An acting Chair may hold an officer position until such time as the Central Committee elects a new Chair.
H. The Chair shall provide an annual report with the assistance of the Division Directors and other members of the Executive Committee, preferably to be done at the LPO State Convention or annual meeting. The Central Committee may determine what form must be followed in making this report.
Section 2 (Vice Chair)
The Vice Chair of the Executive Committee shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and restrictions:
A. Perform the duties of the Chair in the event of Chair's absence, death, removal from office, resignation, removal from the State of Ohio, or inability to act, until a new Chair is elected.
B. Learn the duties of and assist the Chair as designated by the Chair.
Section 3 (Secretary)
The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and restrictions:
A. Be in charge of maintaining all official documents of the Executive Committee.
B. Prepare all necessary notes, minutes, and other documents.
C. Make available to all members the minutes of all meetings within ten days of the meeting.
D. Keep and be the custodian of the permanent books and records of the Party, except financial records.
E. Keep and maintain official copies of the Party’s Standard Operating Procedures, Directives, and any other Standing Rules of the Party, as adopted by a majority of the Executive Committee.
F. File with the Ohio Secretary of State a copy of the Party Constitution and Bylaws within thirty days of adoption or amendment as required by law.
G. File Party logos and trademarks with the Ohio Secretary of State to protect the party brand as directed by the Chair or the Executive Committee.
H. File with the Ohio Secretary of State a list of members of the Central Committee and Executive Committee within thirty days of their election or appointment as required by law.
I. Perform all other duties prescribed by statute or usually exercised by the Secretary and not inconsistent with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standard Operating Procedures of the Party.
J. Ensure that the latest version of the Party Constitution and Bylaws are publicly available via reasonable and common methods.
K. In the event of the Secretary’s absence, the deputy Secretary appointed by the Executive Committee shall perform the duties of the Secretary, except he or she shall not have a vote on the Executive Committee.
L. Issue directives clarifying the operations or policies affecting operations or procedures directly pertaining to the duties of the Secretary.
1. Such directives may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the Executive or Central Committee.
2. If a directive is acted upon (amended or repealed) by both the Executive and Central Committees, the actions of the Central Committee shall override any taken by the Executive Committee.
3. Any directive amended by the Executive or Central Committees may not be altered by the issuing officer alone for the duration of their current term of office.
Section 4 (Treasurer)
The Treasurer of the Executive Committee shall have the following duties, responsibilities, and restrictions:
A. Receive all funds belonging to the Party and keep proper books of account on all monies.
B. Expend such funds belonging to the Party as have been approved in accordance with Party Constitution, Bylaws, and Standard Operating Procedures.
C. Establish such funds as may be necessary to ensure proper accounting and treatment of all monies, based upon the laws of the United States of America and the State of Ohio.
D. Maintain proper financial reporting status and frequency as determined by applicable regulatory agencies at the federal and state level.
E. File the proper forms to all applicable regulatory agencies at the federal and state level within two weeks of succeeding a previous Treasurer to be identified as the new Treasurer.
F. Expend funds only through check, electronic transfer, or other common methods which allow for a detailed audit trail. Cash is not an acceptable method of expenditure.
G. Provide all financial records as requested by the Audit Committee within 21 days of any such request.
H. Perform all other duties prescribed by statute or usually exercised by the Treasurer and not inconsistent with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standard Operating Procedures of the Party.
I. In the event of the Treasurer’s absence, the deputy Treasurer designated by the Executive Committee shall perform the duties of the Treasurer, except he or she shall not have a vote on the Executive Committee.
J. File the proper forms to all applicable regulatory agencies at the federal and state level within two weeks of appointing a Deputy Treasurer to allow the Deputy Treasurer to be identified as an authorized person of account.
K. The Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer shall not be permitted to serve on the Audit Committee during their terms of office or appointment.
L. Issue directives clarifying the operations or policies affecting operations or procedures directly pertaining to the duties of the Treasurer.
1. Such directives may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the Executive or Central Committee.
2. If a directive is acted upon (amended or repealed) by both the Executive and Central Committees, the actions of the Central Committee shall override any taken by the Executive Committee.
3. Any directive amended by the Executive or Central Committees may not be altered by the issuing officer alone for the duration of their current term of office.