Bylaw 340 – Standard Operating Procedures
Section 1 (Manual)
The Executive Committee must create and maintain the Standard Operating Procedure Manual for the Party. The Standard Operating Procedure Manual may be organized and maintained in any format deemed reasonable by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee must transmit to the Executive Committee Secretary a complete and current copy, to be maintained in the State Office. The Standard Operating Procedure Manual shall define the operating parameters and responsibilities of the various units of the Party’s operations.
A. The Standard Operating Procedure Manual shall include a section for each standing committee as appointed by the Central Committee Chair, and a section for any other operations of the Central Committee as deemed appropriate by the Central Committee Chair.
1. The Central Committee Chair is authorized to update these sections of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual as needed.
2. The Central Committee may update these sections of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual with a majority vote. Such votes may be done in executive session.
B. The Standard Operating Procedure Manual shall include a section for each standing committee outside of any division as appointed by the Executive Committee Chair.
1. The Executive Committee Chair is authorized to update the section of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual pertaining to each such standing committee.
2. The Executive Committee Chair is authorized to add or remove the section of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual pertaining to a standing committee upon the creation or elimination of such a committee.
C. The Standard Operating Procedure Manual shall include a section for each Division appointed by the Executive Committee.
1. The Executive Committee Chair is responsible for setting the scope of each division, the responsibilities of the Director(s) of each division, and is responsible for updating the Standard Operating Procedure Manual and notifying the Director of each division of any changes thereto in a timely and reasonable manner.
2. The Director of each Division is authorized to update the section of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual pertaining to their Division as needed, except the scope of their division and the responsibilities of the Director. Directors may delegate their responsibilities, but remain ultimately accountable for these responsibilities
D. The Standard Operating Procedure Manual must include a section listing the directives of the various Central and Executive Committee officers, as issued in the legal pursuance of their duties.
1. Officers who have the power to add, remove, or amend directives specifically related to their office shall keep these directives current within the Standard Operating Procedures Manual.
E. The Executive Committee retains the privilege to add, remove, and amend the Standard Operating Procedure Manual.
1. The Executive Committee may amend any section of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual that is not controlled by the Central Committee Officers or the Central Committee with a majority vote. Such votes may be done in executive session.
F. The Executive Committee Secretary (or outgoing Secretary in the event of a newly-elected Secretary) shall provide the most current copy of the Standard Operating Procedure Manual to each member of the Central and Executive Committees at the start of each member’s term, and upon the request of any member of the Executive or Central Committees in the manner specified in the Standard Operating Procedure Manual.