Article VIII – Miscellaneous
Section 1
There shall be a set of Bylaws, in conformity with this Constitution, which may be adopted, changed, and repealed by:
A. A majority vote of the Central Committee. Bylaw changes to be considered for adoption by the Central Committee shall be communicated to those eligible to vote upon them by reasonable and common methods no less than two weeks prior to a vote.
B. A majority of the delegates at Convention. Bylaw changes to be considered in Convention must be communicated to those delegates eligible to vote upon them by reasonable and common methods no less than 30 days prior to the date of the Convention.
C. Failure to follow this change procedure will be grounds for invalidation of any resulting changes.
Section 2
The Party is now, and shall seek to retain its status as, the only officially affiliated party of the Libertarian Party of the United States of America operating in Ohio in accordance with the Libertarian Party bylaws.
Section 3
All Party meetings shall be open to the public and the press. Any Committee of the Party may go into executive session to consider and vote upon matters of budget, personnel, legal affairs, and any other matter that is not required by law to be discussed and voted upon in an open meeting, upon a majority vote of those members voting.
Section 4
On all Party ballots, all proposals shall provide the alternative: “None of the above.”
Section 5
The Party shall not endorse for any public election a candidate of another Party. The Party reserves the right to endorse no candidate for any race and to endorse multiple candidates in a primary contest.
Section 6
The Party and its affiliates shall not create any Bylaws or rules which attempt to limit participation by any individual based upon race, gender, national origin, language(s) spoken, sexual preference, gender identification, religious preference(s), military background, physical capabilities or characteristics, mental capabilities or characteristics, age, prior political affiliation or any other individual trait.
Section 7
The Libertarian Party of Ohio shall provide easy access and frequent opportunity for qualified residents of the State of Ohio to become members of the Libertarian Party of Ohio and to participate in the elective process and shall support any legislation which so provides.
Section 8
The most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings not specifically covered by this Constitution or the associated Bylaws.