Bylaw 710 - County Affiliates
Section 1 (Requisites)
Each County Affiliate of the Party shall meet the following criteria:
A. Membership-elected Central Committee.
B. Executive Committee elected by the Central Committee.
C. Regularly file campaign finance reports to the appropriate government agencies.
D. Report leadership information, Bylaws, and any necessary information to their local Board of Elections.
E. Provide the Party with a copy of updated Bylaws within 30 days of adoption or amendment.
F. Provide the Party with a copy of the Central or Executive Committee membership rosters within 30 days of any change.
G. File an annual report with the Executive Committee or its designee on the Affiliate’s activities.
H. Communicate to the Executive Committee or its designee a list of all Libertarian and Affiliate-endorsed candidates on the ballot in the Affiliate’s county within 7 days of the filing date and maintain the currency of that list through the General Election.
I. Communicate to the Executive Committee or its designee the withdrawal of any filed candidate in the Affiliate’s county for any reason.
J. Communicate to the Executive Committee or its designee the endorsements of candidates within 7 days.
Section 2 (County Affiliate Loss of State Party Recognition)
The Party, with a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee, may choose not to recognize a County Affiliate. The reasons for any such vote, and the result of that vote shall be communicated to the Central Committee within 2 business days.